Jonathan Morin, the creative director of Watch Dogs, has revealed what the controls are like for the upcoming game from Ubisoft. He posted the following image on Twitter along with word that the game supports inverted sticks, inverted bumpers and triggers, and combinations of both. Morin also mentioned that the controls are the same for the Xbox One.
(click to see a larger version)
Needless to say, the touchpad on the PlayStation 4 is going to be very useful for pulling up the game’s map. In this, it works similarly to InFamous: Second Son’s touchpad controls.
In addition to detailing the controls, Morin added that it’s possible to switch to first person view while driving. Interestingly enough, if you look at the picture, you’ll notice that the game’s driving system has multiple camera views.
And finally, it’ll be possible to “automatically” vault objects if you hold down the vault key while running around—so the game moves and plays a lot like Assassin’s Creed does in this manner.
Watch Dogs is slated for release on May 27 for the PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4. A Wii U version of the game is also planned for release at a later date, although when that is has not yet been disclosed.