It wasn’t long ago that we were able to report that the Silent Hill creator, Keiichiro Toyama, had left Sony to pursue his own video game development studio. Now that the studio has been unveiled, a bit more information about what we can expect has come out to the public. Thanks to IGN Japan, a statement was released from Keiichiro Toyama about the upcoming debut title from this new studio.
Keiichiro Toyama has entered his fifties and it was during this coronavirus health pandemic outbreak that got him thinking of the future. Rather than clocking in at another studio, he opted to become more independent with a couple of colleagues. Establishing Bokeh Game Studio, Keiichiro was aided by Kazunobu Sato and Junya Okura. However, that studio has since been filled up with a sizeable employee base which is allowing the studio to make more ambitious games.
According to the IGN report, it appears that Bokeh Game Studio will be delivering a horror-oriented video game but one that’s not necessarily a hardcore horror experience. As a result, it doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing something like Silent Hill or Siren but something that might feature a more action gameplay element. At any rate, it will be a good little while before we can get our hands on this game.
Currently, the development studio is in prototyping at the moment with expectations of seeing this game release into the market within 2023. However, it’s also been noted that the studio is hoping to share as much information as possible regarding their project to keep fans involved and likely anticipating this unnamed project. In the meantime, it looks like we’ll have to wait and see just when the first big reveal will be from Bokeh Game Studio.