Easily one of the most anticipated and hyped video game titles for 2020 has been CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. The video game title was introduced several years ago and being that the developers brought out an incredibly successful trilogy known as The Witcher, fans had their expectations set sky-high for this latest RPG release.
In fact, the hype was so massive that CD Projekt Red had made enough money from pre-orders to cover all the marketing campaigns and development cost for this title. Again, this game was hyped up for several years and while 2020 was pretty much a complete disaster thanks to this coronavirus health pandemic outbreak, the development team continued on to deliver fans this title before 2021 hit.
Of course, that wasn’t likely the best idea. While the development team had made claims that this project was playing well and ready for a market release, there were several delays within 2020 in order to make this game optimized for all of the available platforms. When the game finally did release, it was met with fans upset about how badly this title ran. Now the game does feature bugs across all of the platforms, but it’s the console gamers that are having the most trouble with Cyberpunk 2077.
In particular, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One standard edition consoles were essentially unplayable. The latest updates are making things better, but the damage was already done. It resulted in several refunds both physical and digital which we don’t typically see for digital video game sales. In fact, there were talks of potential legal lawsuits being issued against CD Projekt Red from investors who found the launch incredibly poor despite the number of sales.
Speaking of sales, even after counting through the refunds, CD Projekt Red had alerted their followers and investors that they managed to sell over 13 million units of Cyberpunk 2077. That’s going across all the platforms both physically and digital sales. It’s certainly an impressive game if you’re the platform of choice that can run it. Now again, this title needs a lot of work, there’s plenty of bugs to be addressed, but it’s clear that players are enjoying the title as is.