Behold this four minute trailer for Marvelous Entertainment's Senran Kagura, the 3DS game with the most breasts. Skip the first 30 seconds or so, as it's just boring dialogue. After that, though, WOW! There doesn't appear to be a single character in this game that isn't supporting a massive chest, and one of them can flip a delivery truck around on an umbrella.
The game actually looks like it has some ridiculous production values, with a ton of content. The beat-em-up, combo driven gameplay actually looks fun, and it features a bunch of well-animated 2D cutscenes, some kind of dress-up constume editor, magical-girl transformation sequences (like these), and more Gainax-bounce than anyone could possibly want. Apparently it's also going to ship with an art book, the soundtrack, and a drama CD! It'll be released in Japan on September 22nd for 5980 yen.