Star Wars: Squadrons take place during the events of the cinematic Star Wars universe. However, rather than retelling the same storyline fans may have already experience in the past, this installment tells a new storyline with some new characters. The game is set during the events after the Battle of Endor and the destruction of the second Death Star. From here we will get to look into both sides as either a unique fighter from the New Republic’s Vanguard Squadron and the Galactic Empire’s Titan Squadron.
This has been quite the hit Star Wars game and it looks like it’s getting even better. Those that have been lucky enough to get their hands on a next-generation platform can get Star Wars: Squadrons updates which improve the game even more. This came in the form of a few different areas but EA’s official Star Wars Twitter account made note of the upgrades. It seems that everything is being overhauled in the game.
Players will find that there is now going to be 120 FPS with 4K support, enhanced visuals with a performance boost, overall improvements made to the visuals along with lighting, and variable frame rate support. That’s enough to give players a push to give this game another go if they played it originally for previous generation console platforms.
As for the IP in general, it was rumored that Motive Studios would be bringing out another installment to the Star Wars: Squadrons video game. This was after a job posting made mention of Star Wars related project, but that has since been updated. It turns out that EA Motive is not working on the IP for their next game.