NPD has released data for February of this year, and the industry saw some significant growth. Interestingly enough, the Playstation 4 outsold the Xbox One again, but this time the gap was so small the Xbox One actually made Microsoft more money.
Let’s break it down as best we can. Microsoft announced they sold 258,000 Xbox One units, which is 90 % of the number of sold Playstation 4 units. Doing the math, that’s roughly 286,667 units. Assuming each Xbox One unit is sold full price at $ 499.99, that adds up to $ 128,997,420. Assuming each Playstation 4 sold this February was at full price of $ 399.99, Sony made $ 114,663,933. Bear in mind that we’re working on estimates, so this can’t be 100 % accurate, but all in all, Xbox One has closed in on Playstation 4 sales where it matters.
No reason to dwell on this, though. The good news for everyone is sales were up year on year and month on month. Nintendo also announced a jump of Wii U sales of 25 % month on month. Between the three, console sales made $ 347 million, up 42 % year on year.
Consoles were the primary profit driver for the month, which in total came to $ 887 million overall. Accessories also saw a jump in numbers 33 % year on year to $ 221 million. As NPD’s Liam Callahan stated,
“The majority of hardware platforms experienced double-to-triple digit increases compared to January 2014.”