Much like the Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six franchise is known for, Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter with more of an active community of players online. The overall premise of the game is a fight between a group of terrorists and of course a highly trained group of individuals that make up the Rainbow team. There is a singleplayer narrative for gamers to go through, but as it stands right now, more players are picking the game up for its online competitive gameplay.
Essentially, one team of terrorists will be seeking out a hostage while the Rainbow team must carefully breach a building and take down the terrorist group. Being a tactical shooter, there’s a bit more to the gameplay then running in and spraying bullets in each room. Instead of turning a home into an active war zone, there’s a slew of gadgets and weaponry made to make kills effective and accurate.
This game has proven to be a popular title years after it was first released into the market in 2015. While there have been some players hoping that this game would eventually find its way out into the market as a free-to-play title that would be supported through season passes among other in-game purchases, Ubisoft has kept the title premium. However, there are some instances where games are unlocked for players to enjoy for a duration of time without having to pay anything to gain access.
That’s exactly what’s happening for a week. Players will have until September 4, 2020, to enjoy this game or at least test the title out to see if it’s worth purchasing afterward. Best of all, this event will be free for players across all the supported platforms. Whether you have an Xbox One, a PlayStation 4, or a gaming PC, you can enjoy this game free for one week.