Patrick Bach, Executive Producer on Battlefield 3 sat down in an interview to talk about the project. He first started to talk about the new engine, Frostbite 2, and how it has completely changed the face of the Battlefield franchise. He elaborated on this talking about the enhanced destructibility that comes with the new engine. “You don't have this static environment anymore, and with Battlefield 3 we tried to take it a step further. In urban environments you need to be able to take down facades or buildings.” He said, in continuation.
Next was talk about the campaign. When Mr. Bach was asked about the game's plot and story, he seemed somewhat evasive and continued to talk about the elements surrounding the campaign rather than the campaign it self. He did however reveal that much of the game would be in a more urban setting rather than the deserts that we have seen in many of the previous demos/trailers.
“The game has been in development, technically, since 2006. We had ideas rolling around in our heads since then, but we didn't have the technology to implement them. With the new engine however, we were able to.” Is in most ways what he said when asked about the graphical prowess of the game. Frostbite 2 seems to be an impressive piece of technology.
The game will be released on the 25th of October on “All platforms”. Also, check out some amazing Battlefield 3 Wallpapers here.
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