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What does it feel like to play Titanfall on three monitors? We’ll share what some beta players have said below.
As one fan puts it:
When you're on the ground, it just extends your view, and when you get into your titan it shows the cockpit. It is so immersive, and really makes you feel like you just entered this massive robot.
Another gives a small PSA: before trying this, make sure you change the texture resolution settings so that you don’t get severely disappointed. On Kinect, you can just say Play, Options, and Quit.
Finally, there is one caveat that players have discovered, and you may have noticed it as well. This setup will not allow you to see the entire UI. Changing the HUD margin will give you the XP bar, but that’s it. If you can learn to play with this handicap, though, expect to feel truly immersed playing Titanfall.