This is a guide for the VC30 Sickle in Killzone Shadow Fall.
The VC30 Sickle is a pump action shotgun made by the Helghast, equippable by the Support class in multiplayer. The Sickle has two barrels and two magazines that can be loaded with two different kinds of shells.
The Sickle has the potential for one hit kill at close range, although it is proportionally low. Still, it deals that much damage. With two five-shell magazine tubes, you can equip yourself with 10 shells at one time. Reloads take 7.5 seconds, including the pump action. It can fire 50 rounds per minute, with a fairly tight spread at close to medium range. This gives it an advantage when you have to go for longer ranges.
The Sickle is equipped with the dot laser by default, and can then upgrade to the HGH Holo Sight. You get 1.2x magnification and a wider view, but zero benefit to accuracy. Therefore, the upgrade is unnecessary.
Secondary attachments are more promising. Incendiary rounds will help you keep up the pressure on hard to pin down enemies by lighting them on fire. Using this attachment drops your available rounds to five to accommodate its own. You can also equip the flashlight to stun enemies momentarily, although it can also give your position away.
The VC30 Sickle is one of the best close range guns in the game, making Support Class players absolutely lethal. You’ll want to keep the dot laser, get the flashlight, and get a Sta 19 Reigner with laser pointer for sidearm. Finally, the M194 Frag Grenade and Turret ability rounds up a solid loadout for the Sickle.