While the event was postponed from last week, the official stream for Sony’s PlayStation 5 video game lineup is set to take place today. With the event supposedly lasting over an hour, we’re sure that there is a ton of great video game titles that set to be unveiled. We’re thrilled to see what the platform will be able to deliver when it launches this holiday season. In the past, there have been rumors of a Silent Hill reboot announcement, fans are hoping that we’ll get some other great iconic franchise appearances as well such as Resident Evil and even God of War. Though we’re not certain what will be revealed, we’re just a couple hours away from the event.
We’re going to update this post later on with the official stream VOD when it becomes available. Likewise, all the trailers and footage showcased are said to be released after the stream in 4K. We’ll have a breakdown of the different video game announcements that happen with their trailers afterward as well. In the meantime, check in with this post to see the stream happen live.