Sony has officially closed the voting polls for the fan voted best title of the month for April 2020. There was a ton of awesome games to choose from, but the winner goes to Square Enix’s epic remake title — Final Fantasy 7!
Justin Massongill Content Communications Manager, Sony Interactive Entertainment took to the PlayStation Blog to announce the exciting news. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is definitely worthy of the winner as it captured the heart of newcomers to the awesome entry to die-hard veterans of the franchise alike.
Also let’s note that April 2002 was pretty stacked when it come to newly released titles. We saw Resident Evil 3 Remake,Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, and plenty more great ones. However, congrats to Final Fantasy 7 Remake taking the number one spot!
Check out the winner announcement via the PS Blog down below:

Final Fantasy VII Remake clearly struck a chord with fans worldwide last month, securing a resounding win in April’s Players’ Choice poll. Square Enix’s ambitious reimagining brought in nearly three-fourths of the total votes, while Resident Evil 3 and Streets of Rage 4 filled out the top three for the month.
In related news, Sony has detailed the top downloaded games for the month of April 2020! As I mentioend above there was a ton of great games released in April 2020, so there are a ton of guesses as of who made the number one spot. Learn more about the top PS4 downloaded titles of the month of April 2020 right here!
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is now available to purchase on PS4. Have you picked up the epic remake yet? Let us know in the comments what you think about it so far!