Media Molecule’s latest title, Dreams, has brought a ton of great awesome creations, but there has been a new one that was uploaded to Reddit that has caught a lot of gamers attention.
The art is centered around of of Naughty Dog’s craziest creations — the Clicker from The Last of Us. It’s pretty astonishing on how detailed the fan art is with it just being made within a creative game like Dreams. This looks like it was made in some type of art studio program, but nope; its Dreams.
Dreams has been bringing a ton of tools to creative gamers and aspiring game developers alike. The latest Clicker art is definitely worth checking out!
Check out the fan art in different angles down below:

Media Molecule’s long-awaited title is here and after years of waiting to get our hands on the game, many of us wonder was the wait worth it?
Well, according to reviews on Metacritic, it seems that Dreams is a major success. Media Molecule is known for creating super immersive games that give players the tools to allow their wildest imaginations run wild and with Dreams that couldn’t be more true. Reviews for the game are calling the title an once in a generation title, filled with breathtaking moments and endless possibilities. Check out the accolades trailer for the game right here!
Dreams is now available for the PS4. Did you pick it up yet? Let us know in the comments below!