From the makers of Painkiller: Hell and Damnation and Deadfall Adventures comes a new first person shooter called Get Even.
While the game looks to be set in yet another grey, post-apocalyptic setting, there appears to be an element of sci-fi involved. In one particular screenshot, a mounted display on an assault rifle depicts a man shooting another man before the event has happened in reality.
A machine translation of the game’s Polish website is as follows:

GET EVEN is also a fresh approach to the gameplay mechanics. Game developers are planning to remove the artificial boundary between modes of single and multiplayer , offering their unique combination. In the single player campaign alive opponents may at any time to join the game, to play the role as a targeted earlier by AI. In this way, the campaign single-player – in many games schematic and predictable – will gain a whole new dimension. The player passes a campaign storyline will face because of the most challenging opponent – the second man, who has his own reasons and tools to deter us from reaching the target.
The GET EVEN is also an innovative idea of ​​storytelling. Players will be able to pass two campaigns that show the same events from the perspective of two warring heroes. What's more, both campaigns will differ in the assumptions gameplay'owych, and the story itself is told primarily through gameplay, exploration and interaction with the environment, not the typical dialogs and cut scenes.
Check out the screenshots below.