It wasn’t long ago that we got a remaster of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Since then the franchise has given the entire Modern Warfare franchise a reboot, but it doesn’t look like Activision wasn’t going to throw in the towel for the past installments released from the series. In fact, it looks like we may see a remaster release for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Originally, the video game installment came out in 2009 and it was a big hit. However, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 remastered edition was spotted from a South Korean rating board website. It’s worth noting that this campaign remaster has not been announced officially. With that said, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see this game receive a remaster of the main campaign.
Right now it’s a waiting game to see just when this title is officially announced along with what platforms it will be available on. It doesn’t look like there is any slowing down on the latest installment to the Call of Duty franchise either. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the 2019 reboot release, was also a bit hit, but it also sparked a new game mode that is gaining attention worldwide.
Call of Duty: Warzone was added this month and it brought out a free-to-play battle royale mode. Just like with past battle royale video game releases, the title focuses on a massive map where players are dropped in and must fight to be the last man standing.
We’re likely going to see support for Call of Duty: Warzone lasts for a long haul which should give Activision some time to really build up a remaster for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Likewise, due to the coronavirus, we’re interested in seeing just what setting the game is announced such as a livestream event or simply dropped online as a trailer reveal.