Call of Duty has been an iconic and highly popular FPS video game franchise for decades. The latest release from the franchise was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, a reboot to the Modern Warfare series and as a result the game was a massive success. Now that we’re in 2020, you may be wondering if this game franchise will see a launch sometime before 2021 hits. For fans, that are eager to get their hands on a new copy of the game should be excited to hear that Activision Blizzard has confirmed a new installment is in the works for 2020.
This news came from an earnings call of Activision Blizzard held. During which they confirmed that a new Call of Duty game is being developed and planned for a release this year. However, they are confident that the new game won’t surpass the success of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare as the game seemingly hit some rather impressive numbers. So it seems that this new game already has some lower standards and expectations.
Unfortunately, the game development studio working on the Call of Duty title wasn’t detailed nor did we get any information on what this next Call of Duty title would be based around. For now, we’re waiting to get more information as we don’ t even know if this title will be readily available for current-generation console platforms, if it’s aimed at the upcoming PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, or if it’s possible that we’re looking at a game that would launch on both console generations.
In other news, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare recently has a new season for players to enjoy. If you have yet to pick up a copy of the game, you can do so for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms.