We all been there before. In a game, you can get stuck, uncertain where to go, what item to collect or simply baffled on what the objective is actually wanting you to do. This is where walkthroughs and guides can come in handy. However, Sony is possibly looking to give their players a heads up on where to go or items to get so they don’t end up having to exit out of the game in frustration.
Now, this is just a patent so there’s no confirmation that this feature will come to existence for the PS5. However, it was stated in the past that there were still plenty of big features being kept secret for the time being so it’s possible that this is just one of those features. Known as the In-Game Resource Surfacing Platform, this AI will be studying players going through the game to understand how they accomplished a goal.
When a player then gets stuck, the AI can go back and offer a hint for players to use. These can be anything from directing a player through a map, highlighting what items to pick up or equip, and even highlighting DLC that could also help a player progress. Of course, it looks like this feature can be ignored if don’t want any help at the moment.
This feature could also prove to be useful for players that are not interested in jumping back into a web browser on their smartphones to see a guide or a YouTube video on what to do. What do you think of this feature? Would you make use out of the AI which can help you progress through a game when stuck or do you prefer figuring out the solution yourself?