Fallout 76’s Wastelanders Expansion is on the horizon and today, Bethesda has taken to their blog to detail it a bit more.
First, three new images for the upcoming DLC location called “Watoga Underground” have been revealed, which showcases a brand new section of the map and boy does it look exciting to finally explore a new environment. Here is the official description for the new area from Bethesda.

“Watoga The City of the Future, envisions a bustling, walkable metropolis where the streets are clear of illegally parked automobiles, traffic and hit-and-run accidents. The city is built on top of a massive series of automated parking garage systems which allow citizens to drop off their cars and store them until they’re needed again. The dozens of silos can store cars safe and secure, out of sight and out of mind!“

The new area, Watoga seems to be a brand new expansive section of the map which will bring players a new home base and will allow them to get haircuts, buy items, fast dining, and just relax. The new area will be a part of the Wastlelanders DLC which will be arriving soon for free on all platforms.
Lastly, Bethesda also detailed and announced that a double XP weekend will commence on January 9 and will run through January 12. So if you fell behind on your character due to the busy holiday season, now is your time to catch up.