Sometimes, it’s not the exclusive games that draw people to new hardware. Sure, some consumers are really enjoying the glowing eyes of Killzone: Shadow Fall, or the family fun that is Knack. However, when it comes down to which game has sold the most copies since the PS4’s Nov. 15 release, Activision and Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Ghosts still reigns supreme.
According to a recent press release, Ghosts is the number one PS4 retail title at Best Buy, GameStop, Target, and Wal Mart in North America, as well as the number one pre-ordered Xbox One title in North America. That means that we’ll probably be hearing similar news after the Xbox One launches this week, and maybe even a third Ghosts-related press release when the PS4 hits Europe next week. Yes, the world really seems to like Call of Duty.
"We couldn't be more excited about the consumer response as we look forward to this Friday's release of Xbox One," Eric Hirschberg, CEO of Activions Publishing Co., said.
If you’re interested in experiencing the explosions, action-packed dogs, and co-op modes with aliens, you can look to pick up this fall blockbuster on both current and next-generation platforms.