Two of the Xbox One’s most exciting future titles – Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive –are pretty sparse on details at the time. We know that Remedy’s project will have some sort of TV tie-in that will make use of the Xbox One’s unique media capabilities, while Insomniac’s Sunset Overdrive is, well, pretty insane. Microsoft might have a console launch to worry about, but Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Phil Spencer revealed a few more details about these exciting games to Polygon.
"We did a pretty deep dive [on Quantum Break] last week while we were in Europe, and I'm feeling really good about the creative,” Spencer said. “It may be before the end of the year when we talk more about what the story and the gameplay is… We have a pretty good piece that I'm trying to coerce people into putting out before the end of the year … showing the full Remedy vision, with Sam [Lake] giving a pretty good description of how the game works with some new gameplay footage.
"Maybe VGX would be a good place for that."
What about Insomniac Games and its first Xbox-exclusive title?
"We're playing a full section of the game and feeling really good about the open world gameplay that they've put together," he said. "I like the investment around new IP at the launch of a new console."
The excitement around this wonderful industry is back, people. New games are being discussed each and every day, and much of that hype is thanks to those two new, powerful consoles.