Like the original Fallout and its sequel, Fallout 2, the upcoming post-apocalyptic RPG from InXile, Wasteland 2, is also slated to have an overland map. Its producer, Montgomery Markland, announced the feature in an update to Kickstarter where he revealed that the map would be rendered in 3D and contain plenty of "exploration and discovery" for players to experience.
Click here for a full sized view of the map.
The primary form of exploration will be through the maps themselves, although radiation clouds and geography will limit travel. As players explore the overland, they will uncover new settlements, locations, and resources.
Players will have to take account of radiation levels to avoid radiation poisoning, and monitor their water levels to avoid becoming dangerously dehydrated, which would quickly put an end to their adventure.
Much like Fallout, the game will also feature a random encounter system that will trigger as players travel overland.
"Certain parts of The Wasteland are populated by particularly dangerous enemies," Markland wrote. "You are more likely to trigger high-level encounters while traveling in those areas. We do not conduct any form of level scaling in this regard; so if you wander off the beaten path you better be ready for a tough fight."
Wasteland 2 is currently in beta and is expected to be released on Steam once it's completed.