There's a huge difference in quality between the graphics on the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3 in to 2K Sports' upcoming title, NBA 2K14. As depicted in the following comparison of LeBron James in both versions, the difference in quality is truly a sight for sore eyes.
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But don't get too excited about it: the graphics were downsampled from some insanely high 5K resolution, presumably taken from the development build of the game for the very sake of promoting the game's graphics.
It's common for developers to release pre-rendered images and claim they are actual in-game screenshots. The practice of doing so is referred to as "bullshots", as famously depicted in the screenshots of Gearbox's somewhat recent blunder, Aliens: Colonial Marines.
But we won't tell you how excited you should get. What matters here is that the game is more than capable of depicting lifelike graphics on the PS4. Several improvements in quality between the two versions can be seen. Notably, the hands look like hands instead of raptor claws. That's kind of a big deal.