Lab Zero Games has announced the third DLC character to join the Skullgirls roster thanks to the generosity of its Kickstarter campaign backers. After several rounds of voting, the character called Eliza won out, and will be available for free for a limited time along with the other two characters Squigly and Big Band.
Squigly was the centre of the Kickstarter campaign, the first DLC character for Skullgirls. But since backers contributed enough to hit that first goal of $150,000 within the first 24 hours, the rest of the money – the campaign raised a total of $829,049 by the time it closed on March 27 – has gone towards stretch goals. $375,000 got us Big Band, the first male character in the game. $600,000 got us “mystery character DLC”, to be selected through several rounds of votes. $825,000 apparently gets us a second mystery character too, so presumably Lab Zero Games will host another series of votes for that, but for now we know that we have Eliza.
Eliza has a very Egyptian style, which fits with the fact that the parasite she hosts is called Sekhmet, the name of the Egyptian warrior goddess. Apparently, she is “a celebrity diva known for her charity”, but she actually uses blood drives to feed Sekhmet and keep herself beautiful. According to the character description, she'll likely have two modes, one in which Sekhmet is inside of her body using slow and powerful attacks, and one in which Eliza is anchored onto the Staff of Ra and Sekhmet becomes faster and more mobile.
Did you vote for the third character? Was Eliza your first choice?