Capcom has put out the debut multiplayer trailer of Lost Planet 3, an "open world prequel" to the first two games and the first game in the series developed outside of the confines of Capcom, with a third-party western studio at the helm.
While much of the previous game's exposure to the public has revolved around its single-player campaign, replete with cinematic scenes and a mustachioed protagonist, today's reveal is of the game's multiplayer offerings and directed towards a the game's sizable Japanese audience.
Lost Planet 3 comes from Spark Unlimited, a company with a lengthy, yet sketchy list of games in its portfolio. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Legendary are among the games in its roster.
Lost Planet 3 is set for release this Summer on the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3—on August 27. The game was initially slated for an "Early 2013" release, which later became a June release. It goes without saying that the date's slipped more than a couple of times.