The oddly named Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is getting a special edition release in the United States, the details of which have just been revealed by Konami today.
Different from its predecessors in the franchise, Metal Gear Rising features Raiden as its protagonist and offers fast-paced melee combat in contrast to the stealth action of the games Solid Snake is in.
In addition to a regular copy of the game, the limited edition of Metal Gear Rising will come with a plasma lamp replica of Raiden's vibro-sword, a steelbook box containing the game's packaging, and a soundtrack of the game.
A detailed view of the whole package can be seen below:
Metal Gear Rising is set for release on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on February 19 in the US, and on February 22 in the UK and Europe. That's next month, so be sure to finish up whatever it is you're playing right now to get down and dirty with Raiden in the upcoming slash-em-up.