The Sims 3 team has a new blog post up about the upcoming stuff pack The Sims 3 70s, 80s, & 90s Stuff, and this one focuses on the included objects that focus on the latter of those three decades.
As someone who was technically born in the '90s (though two months earlier and I would have been a child of the '80s), I never used to think of the fashions of the decade as anything other than normal, especially when compared to those of the '70s or '80s. It's only when I started watching old series of Friends that I realised those clothes have dated fast, looking almost as out of place to my modern eye as the giant cellphones.
So how has The Sims 3 team decided to portray the '90s? While the blog post mentions what a lot of us will fondly remember from the era – video games in particular, though also “hip hop music and talk shows” – it looks like the focus is on that style we call “grunge”.
Some of the objects offered as examples do look like they'd fit in well on the set of early Friends, like the “Designer Distress Easy Chair” and the “IndustroShelf” bookshelf. But it's the clothes where they've really captured that essence: sweaters tied around your waist, layered tee shirts, and ripped jeans.
Do you have fond memories of the '90s? Do you think they've got the decade down?