The Elder Scrolls Online, the MMO installation in the popular Bethesda developed series due out later this year, is centered on the conflict between three factions: the Aldmeri Dominion, the Daggerfall Covenant, and the Ebonheart Pact. In this latest developer video from Bethesda, entitled "Alliances At War", Elder Scrolls loremaster Lawrence Schick reveals the history behind these groups and their different motivations as they seek to rid Cyrodiil of the daedra worshippers and secure it as their own. Be it heritage, personal vendetta, or simply maintaining the moral balance of Tamriel, each faction has their reasons to lay claim to the land of the Golden Tower, and you can get acquainted with them all by checking out the video above.
And if won't do it for The Elder Scrolls Online, at least do it for the mustache. Seriously, Schick's got a 'stache that just begs to be seen. He looks like he belongs in the game. That's some serious dedication to his job.