Kojima Productions has released a number of new screenshots of its upcoming game by Platinum Games, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
Featuring Raiden as its protagonist, the new game plays differently from the Metal Gear Solid series and puts players in the role of a cyborg ninja who basically tears shit up with his sword, which is so strong it can even cut through a tank. The concept sounds like something a twelve-year-old would come up with, but it’s pretty cool for a game, anyway.
The new screenshots showcase Raiden, and a bunch of the cyborg goons he’ll be going up against in the game as his opponents. They include a big bald guy with a bunch of rectangular plates coming out of his back, a sai-wielding ninja robot, and some other cyborg enemies who appear to be more mechanical than human. The big bald guy looks a bit like Bo Boateng from Binary Domain.
The game is set for release on February 19, 2013 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Kojima Productions is overseeing the production while Platinum Games, best known for their work on Bayonetta, is making most of it. A demo is expected for release on the 22nd this month.