EA and DICE are holding a massive sale on all Battlefield 3 content for multiplayer fans. Not only will the game's expansions see a significant price drop, the "shortcut" packs will, too.
Starting today until January 22, Battlefield 3 expansions starting from Back to Karkand up to Aftermath will see a $5 price drop. So that means each expansion in the game will cost you just $10. In addition to that, shortcut packs for vehicles, ground units, etc. have been given discounts as well.
Here are the complete list of content and respective discounts EA is offering now.
Battlefield 3: Aftermath
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters
Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand
The Ultimate Shortcut Bundle
From $39.99 to $20.00
Kit Shortcut Bundle
From $24.99 to $12.50
Vehicle Shortcut Bundle
From $17.99 to $9.00
Ground Vehicle Shortcut
From $9.99 to $5.00
Air Vehicle Shortcut
From $9.99 to $5.00
Assault Kit, Engineer, Support, Recon Kits Shortcut
From $6.99 to $2.00
Co-op Weapons Shortcut
From $4.99 to $2.00
Unfortunately, the discount is only applicable for PC since you'll need to buy these off Origin. For now, we do not know if EA is planning a similar deal on the PSN or Xbox LIVE in the future.
$10 per expansion isn't that bad. But if you're getting them all, why not just plunk down the extra $10 to be a Battlefield 3 Premium member. I mean, that $10 will give you early access to End Game, be included in Premium-only events, net you exclusive dog tags and Assignments, too.
However, even with the discount, I just don't see the value in buying "shortcut" packs. Isn't leveling up and unlocking stuff part of what multiplayer fun?
Anyone up to try Battlefield 3's expansions now that they're discounted?
Thanks, MP1st