I think it's safe to say now that Gearbox has not been stingy in supporting Borderlands 2 post-launch. Not only is Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt out now, but the studio has also unveiled a new DLCK pack that will bring in a host of new heads and skins for the game's cast.
Called the "Gardenia" DLC, it will introduce 15 new heads and skins for Borderlands 2's vault hunters. The DLC will be available on January 22, but it's not known presently if it will be free content or come with a price.
Just in case you want to take a look at some of the upcoming cosmetic customization changes, we've attached a few heads and skins that will be included in the pack.
To see the rest of the skins and heads, click here.
Also, Gearbox held a live-stream of Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt and they showed some of the skins there, too. Give it a watch below.
Watch live video from mr_bahroo on www.justin.tv
Would you pay for additional heads and skins in Borderlands 2? If so, how much?
Source: MP1st