Kotaku reports how earlier this week, on the show Dual Survival on the Discovery Channel, something called Halo-Point bullets was featured.
The name, clearly a play on the term hollow-point, also used the Halo font. Hallow-point bullets, btw, are designed to fragment when hitting their target, making them especially effective, as well as supremely dangerous.
The manufacture of the ammunition is Liberty Ammunition, and Kotaku for the past few days has attempted to get ahold of someone at the company, but to no avail.
It would seem that the bullets are highly effective in what they do, which would explain why a "secretive real-life super-soldier" type on the Discovery Channel was using them in the first place.
How long as Microsoft been aware of this? Did they discover its existence alongside the rest us, via the show? Apparently not; between September and December of last year, MS has been in touch with Liberty Ammunition, to get them to drop the Halo name.
Given the weight that MS has, one has to wonder why Liberty didn't change their tune immediately. Anyhow, perhaps due to the newfound exposure from the Discover program, the Halo branding has been finally dropped.