Once again, David Jaffe has posted yet another behind the scenes tidbit over at his blog that's quite juicy. This one concerns the franchise he's most known for, God of War. Specifically, how Kratos was once sporting a different coat of paint.
What you see above is how he looked originally; instead of red highlights, it was blue. Which would have been the final look, if not for someone pointing out how he resembled the Barbarian character in Diablo 2.
A game that Jaffe was not familiar with. As Jaffe explains:
"I had played Diablo I but never II, and this was sure news to me. As it was to clearly to many/all others on the team, as this was the first we'd heard of the character, let alone the similarity.
So you can bet we changed it, lickity fuckin' split!"
Jaffe agrees that, in the end, red suits Kratos considerably more than blue.