Johann Sebastian Joust by Douglas Wilson, for those not familiar, is essentially tag that incorporates PlayStation Move controllers and classical music, plus has no computer graphics to speak of. Some question if it's actually a video game at all, yet it has been shown (and played) at countless game related events across the globe. Including E3, the Game Developers Conference, Indiecade, and Penny Arcade Expo.
Many have also wondered if it would ever be released to the masses. Some are even officially sick and tired of hearing how awesome Johann Sebastian Joust is, because they cannot attend said events to give it a spin. But at long last, it has been slated for distribution on the PlayStation 3 or home computers (PC/Mac/Linux). Provided it makes its Kickstarter goal first.
Johann Sebastian Joust is part of a package called Sportsfriends, which contains three other acclaimed and vaguely sports like indie titles: BaraBariBall by Noah Sasso, Hokra by Ramiro Corbetta, and Super Pole Riders by Bennett Foddy. All four titles have made major splashes among fellow game developers plus game critics over the past year.
One thing that stands out about this particular Kickstarter is how the games will be made available on the PS3. Usually indie games are only distributed for PCs and mobile devices. This marks the first time a major player in the industry, which in this case is Sony, has given their blessing for such a venture.
Which might also help explain why, just one day in, the Kickstarter has managed to earn $21,900. With 31 days to go, it seems almost certain that goal of $150,000 will be met. To pledge your support, simply head directly to the Kickstarter page.