You’re likely aware of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Blizzard had released a hit when it comes to digital card games and it recently just received a new expansion. It’s within this expansion that a new exploit was discovered which ultimately caused a massive exploit to be discovered.
The latest expansion to release onto Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is called Journey to Un’Goro. With this latest expansion, new cards were added into the video game and as always, there’s always a card combination or even a specific card that the development team opts to go back and further adjust.
One popular Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft streamer happened to come across an exploit using two particular new cards known as Shadow Vision and Radiant Elemental. Neither card, in particular, is causing the issue but the combination has caused opposing players to lose out on their turn.
As demonstrated by streamer, DisguisedToast, the animation caused by the cards will take so long that the opposing player will face being timed out causing them to completely forfeit their turn. Likewise, this has allowed players to buff up or bring out additional minions on the field for a play next turn.
It’s likely that Blizzard is fully aware of this exploit and has plans to adjust it as they see fit. For now, the combination doesn’t seem to be used all that frequently quite yet.
Regardless, you can check out DisguisedToast discovering and using the exploit within a video of his stream posted right above.