Sony Is Making Some Gorgeous Covers For The Only On PlayStation Collection
Ten video game titles that defined the PS4.
Ten video game titles that defined the PS4.
The Last Guardian director reveals their current project is ready for publisher reveals.
The Last Guardian is running at a massive discount on the PS store.
Sony tugs at both your wallet and your heart strings.
The title is now seemingly available for $39.99 at most major retailers.
If you want to do some more in-depth exploring, use this map
Only on PS4: Don't miss out on the food barrels Trico loves in The Last Guardian with these collectible locations. Find them all to unlock bonus costumes!
Ueda's visual flair captured in hardback edition art book.
For a game that's been in development for 10 years, That should be happening.
Only one week away from one of the longest developed games ever made
Spoilers and translations one click away...
I can fly higher than a griffin
There's been plenty of great releases already this holiday, but there's still a handful of heavy hitters yet to be released this year!
We won't be getting our hands on the game until December 6th.
After a long wait, we get to see more of the game, and a release date.
Sony announced they sold 40 Million PS4 units. Also they mentioned The Last Guardian.
Sony confirmed in their Game Developers Conference press conference that PlayStation 4 exclusives Horizon Zero Dawn and The Last Guardian will be releasing in 2016.
The Last Guardian wallpapers for 4K, 1080p HD and 720p HD resolutions. Download here for free!
His pre-order for long awaited Fumito Ueda game is gone now, but with good cause.