PS5 Pro Gets An Enhanced God of War: Ragnarok
Making a great game even better.
Would you like a PS5 Pro for less than $700?
It looks...sharper?
All that power better stand for something!
Behold the power of reflections!!!
This is a welcome change.
Upscaled 4K 60 FPS will be the norm on the PlayStation 5 Pro.
Sony has drawn a line for developers that should be invisible to us consumers.
Consider this a short text version of Before You Buy.
No, we don't know yet if they can keep that promise.
The US might want to consider this, too.
How realistic can games get, really?
We'd like to hear about the rest of the game, please!
...yeah, we believe it.
Who could have possibly seen this coming?
They're really trying to make you buy this.
We're sure the gamers will be satisfied, but will they really buy these then?
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