Is Paramount Planning A Shadow The Hedgehog Spinoff Movie…And Bringing In Silver?
...there's potential here...
Knuckles TV Series Smashes Records At Paramount+
Seen by MILLIONS!!!
You Can Watch The First Episode Of Knuckles On YouTube!
A warrior's gotta do what a warrior's gotta do.
Sonic Producer Wants Films to be ‘Avengers-Level’ Events
The next film in the series is due to hit theaters in December.
Knuckles Mini-Series Gets First Trailer
I make warriors.
Sonic The Hedgehog Spinoff Starring Knuckles Begins Production
But who will join him?
Sonic Frontiers Prologue Shows Off Knuckles
I do things on my own, that's how I like it.
Lack of Knuckles the Echidna Super Form Revealed on Tailstube
He doesn't need that kind of power, apparently.