God of War (2018): Unlock Witch Time & Improve Parry | Best Talismans Guide
Make God of War a little bit more like Bayonetta -- here's how to get Witch Time, improve your parry, and find the best Talismans in the game.
Make God of War a little bit more like Bayonetta -- here's how to get Witch Time, improve your parry, and find the best Talismans in the game.
Lucid Games is no longer in charge of the project.
Steam is breaking its own policies to appease the angry mob.
Complete your collection and earn some extra cash in God of War with these collectible artifact locations.
Could the PS Now/PS Plus merger be happening soon?
Kratos marks the spot! There are 12 treasure maps you can find in God of War. We're going to show you where to find them, and how to solve them.
Original creator will play the game when it releases, but is not currently helping the studio.
The PlayStation 5 is still elusive today as it was when it first launched.
Get a whole bunch of loot while upgraded Kratos in God of War with these wooden chest and Nornir puzzle chest locations.
Everyone's favorite pink protagonist returns this March.
The notoriously non-toxic community is in trouble with the boss.
Unlock two bonus regions in God of War with these language cipher locations -- you'll need to find four for each area.
Unsurprisingly, Deathloop is up for six different awards.
Get a glimpse into the future of Vanguard Zombies.
Before taking on the Valkyrie Queen, you'll want to unlock all the treasure chests in Niflheim. Here's a few tips to speed things up and collect Mist Echoes fast.
Twitter isn't happy about the crossover.
The game is coming to Steam and Epic on January 14.
Rockstar Games limiting their new releases for an entire console generation?
There's one treasure chest hidden in God of War that most players will never find. Learn all about the wild hunt for this hidden Easter egg right here.
Pokemon GO has always had players do some of the most bizarre things. Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchel, former police officers for the City of Los Angeles, filed a petition against the city of LA last week for them being fired. The officers were fired for ignoring a robbery in order to catch Snorlax in …
Transactions continues to be a big revenue source.
A famous zombie survival game from Undead Labs and Xbox Game Studio, State of Decay 2 is said to receive many new updates in 2022. The game that was released with many issues to the start has been worked on and polished ever since its release in 2018. State of Decay 2 has players carefully …
EA is working to fix the issue.