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During the prologue, you’ll learn all about commanding your faithful dog Mutt in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. And just as quickly, you’ll lose your dog and have to find him again. Your dog is a permanent companion, like the horse, except your dog helps in even more ways. Your dog can sniff out clues during quests, fight enemies or provide companionship. Finding your dog is also tricky. You’ll need to complete multiple steps of a long quest, going on multiple false pathways before finally finding your dog.
And you can skip all of that. If you know where to find your dog, you can simply go straight t him and rescue him immediately. You can skip the entire ‘Mutt‘ side-quest and unlock the Man’s Best Friend achievement. It’s also a lot easier. No raiding bandit camps required.
Where To Find Mutt

The ‘Mutt‘ side-quest unlocks very early after completing the prologue, but it is a long quest with many dead-ends and false roads. If you want to skip straight to getting Mutt and unlock your dog companion permanently, you can simply travel to his location.
- Mutt Location: At the Nomads’ Camp in the east of the Trosky region, start at the blue fast-travel marker. From this marker, face north and follow the visible path on the map to the west. Keep following the path, past the Cuman Camp and into the forest. Take the hill up, following the path as it winds southwest.
- On the map, there’s a visible clearing on the edge of the cliff. Go to the clearing and a cutscene will automatically trigger. You’ll meet your dog Mutt, but you’ll also encounter a pack of wolves — the wolves will attack after the cutscene is over.
- Check the map location above for more details.

You can choose to stay and fight the wolves with Mutt’s help or you can simply run away. You don’t need to kill the wolves to complete this quest. But if you have good armor and a weapon, the wolves aren’t too dangerous. Play aggressively and rush the wolves, attacking to deal high damage. Wolves can’t guard, so your combos will rapidly kill wolves.
With Mutt on your side, this fight is much easier. Pick off the wolves while they’re distracted, the leave with your new animal companion.
What Does Mutt Do?

Mutt is your permanent companion — he will attack what you attack, help with hunting, and can track scents during quests. He’s an extremely useful asset for your character, and you can even send him home when you don’t need him.
- Hold [Triangle / Y] to call Mutt.
- Target an enemy while your weapon is drawn or crouched, and hold [Triangle / Y] to command Mutt to attack.
- Hold [L1 / LB] to open Mutt’s action wheel. You can Feed, Track, or change his behavior.
- If you choose to send Mutt home with the action wheel, he’ll return to Zhelejov Tavern or the Devil’s Den depending on what map you’re in.
Mutt can unlock new perks through skills, and raising Mutt’s obedience level will cause him to become stronger in fights. If Mutt is consistently hurt and not fed, his obedience level will lower, and he’ll leave for a time. Mutt will always eventually return. Just try to treat him better next time.