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- Ark of the Stricken Earth | Harvest Guide
- Ashpeak Drake | Harvest Guide
- Brenning Glasstail | Harvest Guide
- Highland Iceclaw | Harvest Guide
- Ark of the Living Flame | Harvest Guide
- Rehnland Sledgewyrm | Harvest Guide
- Ark of the Forge | Harvest Guide
- Ark of the Winter Tide | Harvest Guide
- Surgeborn Herald | Harvest Guide

Every boss in Eternal Strands has a hidden harvest point — finding the locus can require attacking specific points on the boss’s body, and you’ll want to collect as many of these upgrade materials as you can. By collecting these, you’ll be able to upgrade your powers. There are nine bosses and nine ways to harvest them. Below, we’ll break down exactly what you need to do for each encounter.
Harvesting a boss will defeat it instantly, cutting a fight short and giving you a big reward. Here’s how to make each harvest circle appear.
Ark of the Stricken Earth | Harvest Guide
Climb onto the shoulders of the boss and attack the bolts holding the shoulder pads onto the body. There are two bolts on each shoulder pad — one is on the front, and one on the back. Break all four bolts to make the shoulder pads drop to reveal a hidden bolt underneath.
Attack the bolts beneath each of the shoulder pads to remove the chest armor on the front of the boss. Once the chest piece falls, you’ll see the swirling purple energy that marks the harvest point on the body. Climb to it to harvest.
Ashpeak Drake | Harvest Guide
This dragon must be grounded to reveal its harvest point. Destroy one of the wings — you’ll know a wing is destroyed when the skin is frayed. You only need to destroy one wing. Once the wing is busted, the drake will only fly briefly, falling back to the ground after attempting to fly.
Climb on the back of the Drake’s head and attack both horns. Once both horns are broken — they’ll shatter and fall off, becoming collectable materials — a red harvest point will appear on the back of the monster. The red circle only appears when the boss is attempting to fly. Wait for it to fly, then harvest.
Brenning Glasstail | Harvest Guide
To make the harvest point appear on the Brenning Glasstail, you’ll need to shatter all the blue crystals on its body. There are many crystals, so here’s a rundow of all the locations you need to break.
- Front left leg.
- Front right leg.
- Tail.
- Two large crystals on the back.
- Under the chin.
- Horn on top of the head.
After breaking all the crystals, back away from the creature and wait for it to lunge at you head-first. It will stun itself and reveal a harvest point on the back of its neck. Climb onto it while it’s stunned to harvest.
Highland Iceclaw | Harvest Guide
Like the Drake, start by breaking one of the wings. You need to shatter one wing — the feathers will be frayed and ruined when the wing is broken. Breaking the wings will NOT prevent the Iceclaw from flying.
Next, attack the legs. Keep attacking until both feet (the talons!) are shattered and cracked. Use Ice Wall to keep the boss on the ground as long as possible so you can continue to attack. Once the legs are broken, climb onto the back to spot the harvest point. Like the Drake, it only appears while the boss is flying.
Ark of the Living Flame | Harvest Guide
To reveal the harvest point on this boss, find and attack the glowing magic seals on its body. There are many seals you’ll need to shatter. They’re circular-shaped objects on the armor — attacking them will reveal the core and they’ll begin to glow red.
- On the back of the left leg, at the top of the ankle.
- On the back or the right leg, in the same spot.
- In the center of the chest.
- On top of the left wrist.
- At the top of the moon-shaped scepter.
Break all the seals to put out the raging fire in his hat. Climb onto the hat to harvest the glowing red spot in the center.
Rehnland Sledgewyrm | Harvest Guide
Very similar to the Brenning Glasstail, this boss has red crystals and orange armor sticking out of its body. You’ll need to find and shatter all of the red crystals to reveal the harvest point. There are more crystals — here’s where to find them. These crystals glow when the boss is about to unleash an attack.
- Two crystals — one on each of the left legs.
- Two crystals — one on each of the right legs.
- Two crystals on the back.
- One crystal on the back of the head.
- Two crystals on the back of the tail.
Break the very large crystals on the back of the tail to finally reveal the harvest point. It’s right on the large sledgehammer-like tail.
Ark of the Forge | Harvest Guide
This giant golem is similar to the first boss — he has large bolts holding his armor together. He has a large shoulder pad on his left shoulder. Break the bolt on the front and back of this shoulder armor to drop it.
Next, wait for him to start rampaging. He’ll glow red and attack wildly for a period of time — he’ll end his rampage by slamming his hammer down on the ground. This will leave him stunned for a short time. Weak points will eject out of the hammer and be revealed briefly during this stun period — use the bow to break the four weak points venting heat. You’ll need to cycle through the rampage phase at least twice to break all four.
Break all four weak spots venting heat and the harvest point will appear on the boss’s left shoulder. Climb up and harvest the circle while he’s vulnerable.
Ark of the Winter Tide | Harvest Guide
Like other bosses, the Ark of the Winter Tide is covered in blue crystals. To reveal his harvest point, we’ll need to break all the blue crystals on his body.
- One crystal on the left leg, back shin.
- One crystal on the right leg, back shin.
- Two crystals — one on each shoulder.
- Two crystals on the left arm.
- Two crystals on the right arm.
Break all the crystals and the harvest point will appear on his right arm at the elbow.
Surgeborn Herald | Harvest Guide
To reveal the harvest point and earn a strand from this boss, target crystallized growths on his body. These are the extra bits of armor. They’re all darker colored with red glowing energy — you don’t need to break anything that’s lighter colored.
- Break the growth on the right side of his chest.
- Break the red horn on his head — you only need to break the left horn for now. The right horn will glow and become corrupted later. Break it when it does.
- Break the growth on his right arm — there are multiple pieces on his arm, leading to the growth on his chest.
When all the corruption has been broken off, target the harvest point that appears in the center of his head. Hit it to collect the last strand.