Get every collectible in MiSide with this quick rundown — explaining where to look for every Mita Profiles and Player Cartridges. There are only a handful of collectibles in every chapter, but they can be easy to miss if you’re not searching, and some will only appear after you’ve triggered specific events. We’ll try to break down exactly where to look and how to get them all in the complete guide below.
For finding all the Mita Profiles, you’ll earn the Hi, Mita! and Caught Them All achievements in the last chapter.
All Collectible Locations
Cartridges and Profiles are small pink tapes you (as Player 1) will be able to collect as you explore Miside. Here’s where to look to find them all.
- Player 3 Cartridge: In The Basement, you’ll investigate a strange sound in the basement of the house. Enter the room with the green locker. The cart is on the metal shelving to the right, behind two gray jars.
- Player 2 Cartridge: In Beyond The World, you’ll enter an infinite hallway of doors. Progress forward and look on the ground (left side) for a white box. There’s a pink cart on top.
- Cap-Wearing Mita Cartridge: In the Cappie chapter, you’ll meet Cap-Wearing Mita. Look on top of the television in the kitchen that’s full of presents.
- Player 4 Cartridge: In The Loop where you enter the strange series of looping dark rooms, keep looping until you reach the 14th Loop. It will be on the small table in the left corner of the room with a flowerpot on top.
- Mini Mita Cartridge: Continue The Loop chapter. When Mini Mita appears, standing up from her chair, look on the white table next to her. This is before she grabs your arm.
- Chibi Mita Cartridge: In the Mini MIta chapter, reach Mini Mita’s room. It is found to the left of the door. Grab it before answering the “HEY YOU” text. It is on a small table with a cactus.
- Player 5 Cartridge: Right after solving Mini Mita’s room, you’ll leave through the door and enter V1.15. In the dark room, go to the back-left shelf to find this cart. It is on the top shelf and can be very tricky to spot.
- Short-Haired Mit Cartridge: Later in the Mini Mita chapter, you’ll enter a room with a mannequin Mita. It will come to life and bite the player — then move whenever the player doesn’t look. In the same room, look on the table to the right of the mannequin’s chair.
- Mannequin Mita Cartridge: Progress through the strange world of hallways while being chased by corrupted Mitas. Near the exit, you’ll reach a ladder surrounded by mannequin Mitas that don’t move. Collect it from the outstretched hand to the left of the ladder.
- Ghostly Mita Cartridge: Continue until you encounter Ghostly Mita — an inky black colored Mita — in her pink-hued room. Look on the wall-mounted shelves to the left of Ghostly Mita’s door for the pink cartridge.
- Sleepy Mita Cartridge: In the next chapter, She Just Wants To Sleep, look for the cartridge on the wooden bar to the left of the washing machine in the bathroom. It’s between the toilet and the machines, next to a planter with hanging vines.
- 2D Mita Cartridge: In the next chapter, Novels, you’ll be in a 2D dating sim. In the Kitchen, click on the pink cart on the top of the cabinet unit beneath the left window.
- Mila Cartridge: Continue to Reading Books, Destroying Glitches and find the cart on the coffee table in the Living Room in front of the television. It’s on the back-left corner.
- Player 7 Cartridge: Next, check the restroom. To the right of the door, look on the upper shelf where the towels are kept.
- Creepy Mita Cartridge: Appearing in a dark, glitchy room at the start of the Old Version chapter, go to the kitchen and look to the left of the blue present box. Under the silver platter with glitched fruit, you’ll find the cart.
- Player 9 Cartridge: Later, when the Find The Exit objective appears, enter the bedroom and turn right. Look near the desk. To the left of the desk with the glitched computer, there’s a floating present box. Collect the pink cart from this textureless box.
- Player 8 Cartridge: In the Be Candid chapter, you’ll enter the Core. Look left and on the chair to get this cartridge.
- Player 10 Cartridge: Later in the chapter, you’ll wake up in V 1.19. Look on the nightstand to the right of the bed in this room.
- Kind Mita Cartridge: In the chapter Reboot, progress until you find Kind Mita in her bedroom sitting at the desk. This is after witnessing her murder. The cart is on the desk behind her.
- Core Mita Cartridge: Using the computer terminal again, go to Advanced Functions and select Get Flash Drive.
- Player 6 Cartridge: The final cartridge is on the desk to the left of the teleporter. It’s on the left corner of the desk on the white pad.
Find all the cartridges to earn two Steam Achievements — you’ll earn Hi, Mita! in the final chapter for finding all the Mita Profiles, and you’ll earn Caught Them All for finding all the Player Cartridges.