If you’re playing through the games from the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster in order, you’ll probably have noticed that finding all of the locations for the Adventurous Wayfarer trophy in the first two games was a lot easier than it is in Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster. This realization comes down to two sources.
First of all, the game is spread across several different world maps here. Secondly, there are dozens of optional areas you need to visit to reach the parameters of the achievement this time around. That’s why we’ve included screenshots of all three maps after gaining the trophy in the PS5 version of the game, just to make it absolutely clear.
Being that the platinum trophy is currently sparkling on our shelf, you can trust us when we say this is the complete list. Visit every yellow dot on our maps, and you should be fine. However, there are some caveats. The Living Forest must be visited before going to the tree dungeon in the desert in order to register that as a location for your save file. Otherwise, however, every location on this list can be found in the end game. Also, the four locations in the Flooded World are automatically part of the quest.
All Locations in Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster Across All Three Maps

Floating Continent
The most bizarre element of the Floating Continent is that there is almost nothing to find on its vast border region aside from a few rare enemies. It may look bare, but bare is how it’s meant to be. Take notice that some of these areas can’t be found until you receive the two final airships, one of which can go underwater and another that can go over small mountain ranges. There are three Chocobo Forests to find as well. You’ll know them by their small circular shape in other forested areas.

Lower World
The below lands contain many more areas than their floating counterpart. Aside from the fact that you need to switch back and forth between the Enterprise and the Invincible in order to visit all areas, you also need to be on the lookout for 10 different Chocobo Forests spread over this world in Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster. The one we were missing was the one hiding to the west of Saronia if that helps you out at all. The trophy or achievement should pop when you reach the World of Darkness, so long as you haven’t missed anything.

Finally, there are a few locations in the game that can only be found by going underwater with the Enterprise. Also, keep in mind that you won’t be able to return to Doga’s Manor later on in the game without switching back to the Enterprise. Another thing that you’re going to want to be aware of is that there are several one-time-only dungeons in this game.
With that in mind, try to be very diligent about collecting items and treasures in each dungeon and note that they are listed on the map by tapping the Map button followed by the Menu button. Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that using the Sight ability or the Gnomish Bread items can also help you out.