Finding the Best Weapons or Ultimate Weapons at the tail end of every Final Fantasy game is a tradition that goes all the way back to the first game. Luckily for you, the first game on the docket in the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster doesn’t make you jump through too many hoops in order to track down and equip the legendary Excalibur and Masamune swords. However, you will need to have at least one fighter on your team in order to equip and use them.
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Where to Find the Masamune and Excalibur in Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

In order to make the Excalibur and receive the trophy or achievement tied to the sword, you’re going to have to thoroughly explore the Sky Fortress. At one point, you’ll see an area with many doors that can be opened. However, one of them will seemingly be blocked by a crack in the ground. The trick here is to follow the path around until the map loops back on itself, meaning you have to exit from the left and come back in from the right.
Once you’ve got the Adamantite from this secret room, just finish the dungeon out like normal or warp out if you’ve already beaten Tiamat. Now you’re going to want to head to the dwarf city hidden beneath Mount Duergar from much earlier in your adventure. If you’re having a hard time remembering where it was, just scroll through the map until you see the name and follow the directions on your overworld map.
Once you’re there, go into the back room and give the master swordsmith the Adamantite, and he will make you the Excalibur. Even if you don’t have a fighter to equip it, you’ll still get the respective trophy or achievement tied to this task. Hang on, though, as there’s still one more legendary weapon you’re going to want to get your hands on.
By thoroughly exploring the new layers of the Chaos Shrine added at the end of the game, you also find the Masamune, which is even more powerful than Excalibur. Regardless of which sword you prefer, however, with both of these in your possession, you’ll be as prepared as you can be for the final battle of the game. Be sure and check out the guides above to find out how to get some of the best magic in the game if you’re still struggling with the end boss or the super boss, though. Other than that, however, good luck with Garland and the Warmech, and congratulations on making your way through the very first Final Fantasy game.