While the Final Fantasy series is well-known for its variety of fun and addictive mini-games, the first game in the series actually kept things pretty simple in that regard. 15 was not invented by Square and is a very simplistic puzzle game that can be found all over the internet through a quick Google search or even downloaded from the app store on your phone. Still, it’s the only mini-game that you’re going to find in the first game on the docket in Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster.
You might not have come to Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster with hopes of playing a game of 15, but here you are anyway. Yes, yes, we know how you ended up here: you’re playing the new collection of classic JRPGs, and you’ve realized that the only way to get every achievement in the first game is to launch this secret mini-game. Lucky for you, we’ve been there, and we’ll explain how to get this one out of the way as quickly and succinctly as possible.
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How to Access the Secret 15 Mini-game in Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

The first thing that you’re going to need to launch 15 in Final Fantasy is your ship. Not your airship, but the pirate ship that was gifted to you by that shifty captain early on in your adventure. If you’re later on in the game and aren’t sure where you left it, you’ll find it marked blue on your map to show you its location. Either way, whether it’s off in the boonies or you’re still traveling with it, you can still access this particular trick.
In the picture above, you’ll see the place you probably left it, as it’s where you get the airship. Either way, however, once you’ve located your sea-faring ship, simply get on board. Once your party is on the ship, all you have to do is hold down the confirm button and keep on steadily tapping the cancel button. After about 20-30 taps, a mini-game will load that allows you to move tiles around until all 15 numbers are in their proper order on the board.
If you don’t feel like doing that, we’ve got even more good news for you, though. The trophy or achievement for this one pops automatically as soon as you open the game, meaning you don’t need to actually finish off the game if you’re just here for completionist reasons. All the same, as a fun little detour to mess around with for 5-10 minutes, you could do worse than a game of 15, especially if this is your first time discovering the game. Furthermore, if you take a liking to it, you can relaunch it any time via the same means listed above in the article.