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Though it’s been a lengthy wait of over a year following the release of Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster on PC, fans of the original 6 Final Fantasy titles can now enjoy the games with updated visuals, an improved soundtrack, and many other additional features on the PS4/PS5 or the Nintendo Switch. To make the offer even more enticing, the updated version comes with even more bells and whistles, like the ability to up your experience gain or turn off encounters altogether.
Still, when it comes to the most acclaimed game in the package, it’s Final Fantasy VI by a country mile. Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster also has the largest cast of characters of any Final Fantasy game. With up to 14 recruitable characters, the cast is incredibly varied and extremely diverse. Also, each character has their own special set of moves and attacks that help to make them invaluable to your team. However, one of the trickiest characters to get on your team is Shadow.
The stealthy shinobi can be found in various places throughout Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster, but there is one key place where you need to make the right decision in order to ensure that he remains available as a part of your team for the duration of the game.
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How to Fix the Font on PC – How to Get the Genji Gauntlet and Master’s Scroll
How to Get Shadow Early on in Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster

The easiest way to know when you can get Shadow on your team is to check the pubs in every town you visit. Occasionally, you’ll see Shadow and his dog Interceptor sitting at a table enjoying a drink. If you do, all you have to do is pay his fee or fulfill his request to get him to join you for a set period of time. Unfortunately, once you reach certain pivotal progression points, Shadow will choose to leave your team.
The good news is that Shadow will rejoin you once it comes time to journey to the Floating Continent and challenge Kefka. However, while you’re making your escape, you will be prompted repeatedly to exit the apocalyptic scenario without your ninja comrade. If you want to keep Shadow available as a companion in the Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster World of Ruin, though, you absolutely don’t want to do that.
How to Save Shadow in Final Fantasy VI
It can be nerve-wracking to continue to wait for Shadow as the world of Final Fantasy VI seemingly comes to an end around you, but if you hold out despite the repeated warnings, you will be able to have Shadow re-join you after the doom has befallen the World of Balance. Shadow will arrive to leave with your party when only seconds remain, and if you don’t wait for him, he will stay dead for the rest of the game.