Sonic Frontiers is very much a game built on moving fast and collecting gubbins. There are hundreds of collectables to find, and vast landscapes to explore, so it’s only natural that zipping around and picking them up is the core of the experience. That’s not to say there aren’t dangers lurking in the wilds of course.
Combat in Sonic Frontiers is fairly simple, but that simplicity can bite you in the butt if you go in too cocky. Combat – especially against larger enemies – ends up being more about puzzle-solving. Using your abilities in the right manner to overcome the specific foe you are engaging. The more abilities you unlock, the depth that comes with it. It always veers on the side of accessible fun, however.
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Just Parry, Not Timing
The biggest change Sonic Frontiers brings when compared to other combat systems in other action-orientated games is the Parry system. Instead of being a tight window where players need keen reflexes, Sonic Frontiers is much laxer.
To Parry, all you need to do is press and hold L1+R1/LB+RB/L+R (depending on your controller of choice). This will put Sonic into a Parry Stance. The next attack to connect with Sonic will automatically be parried, and leave the enemy wide open for a counterattack. They can be used against almost any attack in the game, and they can often be followed up with a powerful Grand Slam attack (providing you have the corresponding upgrade).
You can also dodge by pressing just one of the shoulder buttons, allowing Sonic to quickly avoid danger and follow up with powerful attacks.

Understanding The Homing Attack
Sonic’s core combat revolves around his basic Homing Attack. Press the Attack Button, and Sonic will burst into action and do a fairly lengthy combo that deals light damage. This is the core of the combat system, and many of his other attacks rely on his Homing Attack to trigger.
Weaker Enemies can be dispatched by using this attack and nothing else, however, as the game progresses, those once-weak enemies will gain new moves and increased stats. This eventually dampens the effectiveness of the Homing Attack, but it is never worthless.

Unlocking New Abilities
Sonic games Skill Chunks for completing all kinds of actions – combat included. These can be redeemed in the Skill Menu for new attacks. These attacks are far more powerful (and varied) than your regular Homing Attack and should be purchased as soon as possible so you stay ahead of the game’s increasing difficulty curve.
Many of these attacks act as combo-enders and result in a very cinematic (and powerful) attack. Stomp, for example, thrusts Sonic high into the air before he comes crashing down for massive damage. Many of these attacks are also required to defeat certain enemies. The aforementioned Stomp, for example, is exceedingly effective against the Spring enemies on the second Island.

Feel Underpowered? You Probably Are!
Sonic starts strong in Sonic Frontiers. Many enemies in the early game will crumble after a single hit, and the ones that can survive your initial hit will fall after a full combo. This does not remain the case forever, and the further you progress, the tougher your opponents become.
If you ever feel like you aren’t dealing enough damage, then there is a very high likelihood that’s because you are under-levelled. Thankfully, it’s very easy to level up in Sonic. Simply find Seeds Of Power or Seeds Of Defense, and take them to the Koko Hermit. Sonic’s stats start at level 1 but can rise all the way to level 99. If you want to quickly farm Seeds, then consider going fishing.

Cyloop Your Troubles Away
Sonic is a fast critter, and this is exemplified most when he is running around the various islands and zones. However, this can also be used to his advantage in combat. Cyloop is an ability you unlock early on, but it tends to lack much combat use other than to knock enemies into the sky for a bit of crowd control.
However, many enemies can shield themselves from damage, making them all but impervious to Sonic’s attacks. These enemies become more common as you progress through the story. This is where Cyloop comes into play. Simply hold the Cyloop Button, run around your enemies and make a complete circle. With their guard is broken, you can deal your damage.

Super Sonic
Super Sonic returns in Sonic Frontiers but is largely limited to bosses. Controlling Super Sonic is slightly different to regular Sonic, but it’s worth noting that many of Sonic’s moves carry over to his Super form. This means everything from dodging, to parrying, to even his unlocked abilities.
Utilising all of your tricks in these set pieces makes them much easier, and considering you are on a timer when using Super Sonic, you may need all the help you can get!
And that’s all we have for combat in Sonic Frontiers. It’s a simple – but satisfying – system that manages to toe the line between cinematic, and skill-based. It’s a lot of fun, so smash up some robots and take down those Titans!