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Coral Island has entered early access and as your role as a farmer, you can take care of your crops and animals, make upgrades to your house and much more. In order to do so, you’ll have to earn money in Coral Island and the faster you earn, the faster you’ll progress.
When you arrive on Coral Island, you’ll see that there are a lot of activities to do. Early on in the game, it can be difficult to work out which ones are worth completing for money. This guide will show you some of the best ways to quickly rack up those coins in Coral Island.
More Coral Island guides
Coral Island: How to Craft a Makeshift Scarecrow | How to Donate to the Museum | How to get a Bug Net and Catch Bugs | How to get a Fishing Pole and Catch Fish | How to Repair Your House
Tips to make money fast in Coral Island
When you’re first starting out in Coral Island, there are a multiple ways for you to earn coins quickly and efficiently. As soon as you get into a routine, you’ll start earning a steady income and be able to upgrade your farm.
Use your Shipping Bin
The Shipping Bin is a large chest that is situated in front of your house. You can put anything and everything that you don’t use in the Shipping Bin and receive coins for it. While you’re foraging, you should pick up anything you can find and put it inside your Shipping Bin for some quick and easy cash. When you wake up the following morning, you’ll receive your coins and a summary of how much each item was sold for.

Go fishing
Fishing is something you can unlock early on in the game. Once prompted, you can meet Sunny and Eleanor and they will hand you a Fishing Pole and a Bug Net. Although fishing may take some time and patience, it costs nothing and should give you a reliable income. All you have to do is find a body of water, cast your line, and wait for a fish to bite. Then, you can reap the rewards from your fishing trip and sell everything you caught.

Keep growing crops
As Coral Island is a farming sim, it won’t be surprising to learn that selling crops is the best way to make money. Even though you have to buy seeds to keep growing crops, harvesting them will lead to profit. You can buy a Turnip seed for 15 coins and once harvested, sell it for 30 coins at Sam’s General Store, for example.
Also, you can use Fertilizer on your seeds for a greater chance at growing higher quality crops which will sell for more coins. If you continue to expand your farm and repeat the process of planting and harvesting, you should be earning plenty of money in a short amount of time.

That’s everything you need to know about how to make money fast at the beginning of your time on Coral Island. The more money you make, the more upgrades you can do and items you can buy.