After making appearances all year through the limited time events, Albedo now returns for a rerun banner. Whether or not he’ll be super sus in the near future is still up to debate. But he does eat spiders. It’s in his Profile voice lines. Possibly the only thing more mysterious than Albedo himself is why he has so many names. He’s the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, Calx the painter, the Kreideprinz (Chalk Prince), and most importantly, Klee’s big brother.
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As a Mondstadt character, Albedo mostly needs materials found within Mondstadt. Albedo’s Mondstadt Specialty is the Cecilia. The Cecilia can only be found on Starsnatch Cliff in Mondstadt. They don’t grow anywhere else.
However, you can grow them in the Serenitea Pot using the Luxuriant Glebe. You can buy seeds from Tubby using Realm Currency, or you can harvest Cecilia Seeds with the Seed Dispensary equipped while you’re exploring. Make sure to use your seeds consistently, because Genshin Impact only allows you to hold 20 seeds of each flower at a time.
If you’ve maxed out your seed count, you can buy the Cecilia from the flower shopkeeper in Mondstadt, Flora. She sells 5 Cecilias every 3 days. Each Cecilia sells for 1,000 Mora, so it will cost 5,000 Mora to buy all five.
Albedo needs the Basalt Pillar from the common boss, the Geo Hypostasis. All Mondstadt and Liyue Geo characters need the Basalt Pillar for Ascension, so you’ll probably have to beat up the Geo Hypostasis a lot. The Geo Hypostasis can be found in the Guyun Stone Forest. Use at least one Claymore character to complete the battle quickly. The Prithiva Topaz gems will also be available as a boss drop.
Finally, Albedo needs the Scroll series as his common enemy drop. Scrolls are dropped by Samachurls. Samachurls can be found throughout Teyvat, so you can get these as early as Mondstadt. They can be found in Hilichurl camps or in small Hilichurl groups. Typically, you won’t find Samachurls on their own.
Ascension Materials
Ascension 1 – Level 21-40
1 Prithiva Topaz Sliver
3 Cecilia
3 Divining Scroll
20,000 Mora
Ascension 2 – Level 40 – 50
3 Prithiva Topaz Fragments
2 Basalt Pillar
10 Cecilia
15 Divining Scroll
40,000 Mora
Ascension 3 Level 50 – 60
6 Prithiva Topaz Fragments
4 Basalt Pillar
20 Cecilia
12 Sealed Scroll
60,000 Mora
Ascension 4 Level 60-70
3 Prithiva Topaz Chunks
8 Basalt Pillar
30 Cecilia
18 Sealed Scroll
80,000 Mora
Ascension 5 Level 70-80
6 Prithiva Topaz Chunks
12 Basalt Pillar
45 Cecilia
12 Forbidden Curse Scroll
100,000 Mora
Ascension 6 Level 80-90
6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstones
20 Basalt Pillar
60 Cecilia
24 Forbidden Curse Scroll
120,000 Mora
Full Ascension Total
1 Prithiva Topaz Sliver
9 Prithiva Topaz Fragments
9 Prithiva Topaz Chunks
6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstones
46 Basalt Pillar
168 Cecilia
18 Divining Scroll
30 Sealed Scroll
36 Forbidden Curse Scroll
420,000 Mora