Overwatch 2 has been one of the most hotly anticipated multiplayer releases of the year, and following its shift to a free-to-play model, more players are flocking to it than ever before. Unfortunately, while the game is a good time for those who are able to connect to a server and get into matches, there are a lot of people who are stuck in long queues unable to get inside the proverbial gates of the game.
There are a handful of error messages that players are experiencing from being kicked out of their place in line and forced to start over again to infinite loading screens, but one of the most puzzling is one that reads: “In Queue: 0 Players Ahead of You.” Frequently, the message will be displayed for several minutes at a time and either stay there infinitely or send you back in line, sometimes thousands of slots.
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“In Queue: 0 Players Ahead of You”

To be blunt: if you’re seeing the “0 Players Ahead of You” message, there isn’t much that you can do on your end to fix it. The only thing that can be done in the queue is wait since there aren’t any button prompts for you to input outside of backing out of your spot in line which will start the entire process over again. As frustrating as it is, you’ll just need to sit in the queue until you can get into the game in full.
With the launch of a game as big as Overwatch 2, there are bound to be some technical hiccups when it comes to the servers and this error message is just one of them. While Blizzard’s servers are certainly up to the task of managing thousands of active players at once, the sheer volume of players trying to get into the game has caused some issues. On top of that, Blizzard confirmed that its servers are being barraged by a DDoS attack, causing server connection issues and frequent match drops.
As frustrating as these issues are, if you’re able to get lucky and muscle your way through them, the game itself is as fun as ever to play. Unfortunately, you might spend more time trying to get into matches than actually playing them. If that sounds like too much for you, then I’d suggest that you simply wait a week or so for the issues to be ironed out before trying to jump in.