Salmon Run in Splatoon 3 has received some major overhauls. No longer a limited time event, Salmon Run Next Wave can be played at any time online or locally over Wifi. The main objective of this iteration of Salmon Run is to collect Golden Eggs by defeating Boss Salmonids. You must then run the eggs back to the basket in order to score points.
One of the most invaluable skills you can master in Salmon Run is learning how to throw Golden Eggs. Once you get the hang of this mechanic you won’t have to spend as much time running eggs to your basket. Now, you can use all that extra time for Splatting even more Salmonids. Plus knowing how to toss Golden Eggs will make you a better teammate and who doesn’t want that?
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How to Throw Golden Eggs in Splatoon 3

When you’re in the middle of a heated Salmon Run match, things can get pretty chaotic, especially as you climb the ranks. With Salmonids around every corner and each of your teammates shooting ink, you must remember what your highest priority is — collecting Golden Eggs.
When a Boss Salmonid spawns, you will see an alert at the bottom of the screen. Focus on these larger enemies and when they get splatted you’ll see that Gold Eggs spew out of them. To collect an egg simply walk over it and it will be added to the net on your back. From here, all you have to do is aim at the Egg Basket and press ‘A’ to chuck the Golden Eggs in. Just make sure you are in range and have at least a third of a tank of ink.
Take note of a couple things. First, by holding down ‘A’ you can aim your shot before letting go to release it. Your instinct might be to press ‘R’ to aim, but that will still just aim and throw your grenade. Second, unlike depositing it directly into the basket up close, throwing eggs in takes up some ink. If you are low on ink you will want to press ZL to refuel.
You can practice your egg throwing in the warmup area locating in Grizzco. This is a great place to get a hang of throwing Golden Eggs.